sorta kinda jack of all trades
Im not a furry, i have no desire to be an anthropomorphic animal please spare me

Piper @sereneFalconer

Age 20, How should i know

Local glitch


Joined on 3/16/21

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Dear Newgrounds: NJ Pico Day

Posted by sereneFalconer - May 18th, 2024

Dear Newgrounds, 

Hi, its serene :)

Currently I’m lying in bed in my New York Hotel room, and it’s 5am. The sky is becoming a couple shades lighter for every minute that passes by and I am left thinking about three things:

  1. What Newgrounds has done for me
  2. The banger meetup I went to yesterday 
  3. The awesome day I’m going to get to spend with my dad and also the future

I hope yall don’t mind if I talk about this stuff a little bit :) 


Before I joined Newgrounds, I didn’t really have anywhere to post my work that didn’t also give me a panic attack without fail whenever I had to hit the post button. I struggled to find my place artistically for a long time. After, it felt like I had a place that felt like I was intended to post art. Honestly, I have never had an easier time posting my work anywhere else. 

I have gotten to make some of the best friends I could ever ask for, so many wonderful people that bring me so much joy even thinking about. The first person right off the top of my head doesn’t really use the site anymore, but he’s always been there for me and Space Rabbit: Adventure! Would absolutely be not going in the wonderful direction its going without his encouragement. You know who you are, so thank you so much. Love you Jestie <3

The second person right off the top of my head also knows who they are if they see this, I hope you know just how much I have been inspired by you artistically and just how much every conversation we have had motivates me to be a better artist and a better person. Thank you so very much, I really hope we can talk more in the future.

Dont worry everyone else, I’ll talk about yall in the meetup section be patient ;)

It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows around here, and I’ve had my fair share of problems. However, something I can say is that every problem I have had has given me the chance to learn from it and I have tried my best not to waist those opportunities.


I have been on quite the adventure, oh my. I rode on the train system for the first time which was freaking AWESOME!! New York is pretty cool! 

More importantly though I got to meet a lot of awesome people! 

Im just gonna go down the list of some notable individuals and say a few words to them. If you aren’t on this list I promise it is not because I hate you, and it’s not personal at all. I am a scatterbrained fuck and its very well possible that I just… forgor your username in relation to your face. Lets begin shall we? 

@StormyDew and her bf- you two are like some of the sweetest coolest people ever and it was surreal getting to see you in person. Yall have such a wonderful energy!! (and Stormy got me ice cream so… yeah) 

@Ramen-noodiles - Your cosplay was so wonderful OMG ;-; It was genuinely so fun getting to see you in person, youre freaking awesome 

@CarterSterling - You goofball, somehow as soon as I got to talk to you, the social awkwardness evaporated out of my body and while I was still a nervous wreak, it helped a lot that you were so chill. Thanks :)

@RavioliBox - Girl you have no idea how excited I was to see you 😭 Your presence just has such a positivity to it, and in person was no different. 

@Mindchamber - It was so great getting to meet you in person, and it was so great you stayed in a similar spot most of the time because you were one of the few people I could consistently locate. Youre freaking awesome dude

@Krinkels- thank you for signing sanfords squishy cranium, youre the coolest omg 😭

@Tomfulp- Thank you for appreciating my little note and just being a very chill person youre so awesome :,D

@Jack , and @Owen - I’m so glad y’all thought Mumba was cool, you guys are super awesome and it was so great getting to meet yall :)

@SrPelo - It was so weird hearing your voice like right in front of me as opposed to video format! If i told my younger self that I was going to get to meet you in person she probably would have shat herself so I hope I wasn’t too socially awkward LOL

@Tamago -I wish I got to talk to you more, but genuinely thank you for all you did for the event. Your positivity really set the tone in my opinion and it wouldn’t have been the same without you!!

@NickSenny - I’m so glad I got to chat with you!! I really hope I get to work with you again in the future!!

@Elliedoodles343 and @Rappinawful- You two are so great, and getting to sit with yall during the screening honestly made the experience like 10x better. Thank yall so much for being so awesome omg 😭

@PhantomArcade - Dude youre so freaking chill in person, it was awesome getting to meet you! (Also if I knew you were gonna be there I would have had a little note for you too kfksjdhd) 

@Blakenator9872 - Seeing you with your goofy ass propeller hat honestly made my fuckin day please keep being yourself bc youre freaking awesome 😭

And @BrandyBuizel - Thank you so much for hosting this event. I always look forward to getting to talk to you, and like I said with tama, I feel like your positivity really set the tone for the entire event. :)

If you weren’t mentioned on this list, again, please don’t take it personally! I talked to a lot of awesome people, and this list just scratched the surface and were people I could remember right off the top of my head. Thank you all for making this weekend probably one of the best I’ve ever had.


I’ve got some plans!

Outside of spending the day with my dad here in New York, I’m planning on possibly doing a few small side project animations when I’m taking a break from storyboarding the Space Rabbit: Adventure! Pilot.

Speaking of, I’m storyboarding the SRA Pilot! I want to have something to show before I go recruiting for people to do music or backgrounds or anything like that, so yeah :) 

Thats all for now probably!! 

Thanks yall :)


ps. The usernames may be wrong or fucked up so i will fix them as needed ok thanks bye :)

ok i think i fixed them all ok thanks bye :)




So happy you felt comfortable with me and such because it was an absolute blast meeting you! So happy you had a great time!

It was great seeing you!!! Thank you for cosplay complements!! I had a lot of fun meeting you c:

Anything fo da OG B)

Happy to read this! As someone who couldn't go it's awesome to hear that it was such a good event!